Monday, December 24, 2007

Dried Figs and Walnuts Dessert (Cevizli İncir Tatlısı)

Makes 7 - 8 servings

1 kg dried figs * 150 g walnuts * 2 cups sugar (400 g) * 1 1/2 cup cold water * 1 stick cinnamon

With a knife, open the figs in half without completely separating the halves. Put them in warm water for 10-15 minutes. Stuff them with the walnuts. Place them in a pot without overlapping. Sprinkle with the sugar. Add the cinnamon stick and the cold water. Cook on low heat in boiling water for about 20-25 minutes. When the syrup evaporates, turn off the fire and let it cool down. Wait about 30 minutes and serve cold.

Merry Christmas! **** Noeliniz Kutlu Olsun!

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