Although it seems ordinary bread equal to many others, it surprises for its crustiness, lightness and has also the typical flavor of bread baked in firewood stove.
This is the type of bread most consumed in Turkey, and is also used in the döner and other Turkish fast-food, especially in fried fish sandwiches, which are also very typical.
This bread is made with Çorum flour. Çorum is a Turkish province located in the Black Sea region, which is also known for having the best flour of the country.
This is the type of bread most consumed in Turkey, and is also used in the döner and other Turkish fast-food, especially in fried fish sandwiches, which are also very typical.
This bread is made with Çorum flour. Çorum is a Turkish province located in the Black Sea region, which is also known for having the best flour of the country.
This looks and sounds delicious! I love seeing your traditional recipes! They are always inspiring.
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