Monday, April 2, 2007

Rose Jam (Gül Reçeli)

350 g red rose petals * 6 cups sugar * 2 1/2 cups water * 2 tbsp lemon juice

Separate the petals one by one and wash them. Place them in a pan with the sugar and the lemon juice and mix. Let it rest for 30 minutes. Add the water, turn on the fire and cook until the mixture gets thick, approximately for 1 1/2 hour. While it is cooking take the foam out. Turn off the fire, let it cool down and put the jam in jars.

Note: To learn if the consistency is good, try to put one spoon of jam inside a glass full of water. If the jam doesn't mix with the water it is ready. If the jam gets mixed with the water, it needs to be cooked a little more.

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