300 g spinach (only the leaves) * 4 eggs * 200 g flour * 200 g sugar * 1 tbsp baking powder * 1 tbsp vanilla extract * 50 ml orange juice
For the covering:
4 ½ cups milk * 5 tbsp corn starch * 1 ½ cup sugar * 2 drops mastic * 2 kiwisPlace the spinach leaves in the mixer to obtain spinach juice. Put the flour in a bowl and open a hole in the center. Place inside the eggs, the sugar, the spinach juice, the vanilla and the baking powder and mix well. Put the mixture in a greased round cake pan and bake on a 180º preheated oven for 30 minutes. Let it cool down. Then, divide the cake in two parts and pour on the orange juice. Prepare the covering. Take to low heat the milk mixed with the corn starch and the sugar. Stir continuously with a wood spoon until you get a consistent cream. Take from the fire and add the mastic. Cover one half of the cake with the cream and then place the other half of the cake over it. Cover the cake with the rest of the cream and garnish with the kiwis.
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