For the dough:
500 g flour * 1 tbsp dry yeast + 1 cup warm water * enough water * salt
For the filling:
500 g ground meat * 2 onions * 1 tbsp olive oil * 2 tomatoes * 1/2 tbsp pepper paste * 3 chili peppers * salt * black pepper * 100 g parsley
Prepare the dough. Dissolve the yeast in a cup of warm water and let it wait until the volume increases. Add the flour and the salt and mix well adding the necessary amount of water until the dough doesn't stick to the bowl walls or to your hands. Cover with a wet cloth and let the dough rest at room temperature until the volume increases. Prepare the filling. Cut the onions and fry them with olive oil. Add the pepper paste and mix. Add the ground meat and cook for a while. Then, add the tomatoes and the chili peppers cut into small pieces, the black pepper, and the salt and mix well. When all the ingredients are very well connected take from the fire and add the minced parsley. Open the dough with the rolling pin and separate portions of dough with the size of a meal plate. Cover each one with the filling and close. Brush with egg yolk and bake on a 180º preheated oven until they become crusty.
You can learn more about lahmacun here
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